Rural Fiction Workshop Series


You might have been told that fiction—the writing of stories—is an art. Yet this art is understandable. Fiction can be broken down and understood through its elements: character, setting, point of view, theme, profluence, and plot.

The Write Latch Fiction Workshop Series offers new, developing, and experienced fiction writers ways to make practical tools from elements of craft.

Workshop Length

8 Weeks

Start Date

February 12th, 2023




You might have been told that fiction—the writing of stories—is an art. Yet this art is understandable. Fiction can be broken down and understood through its elements: character, setting, point of view, theme, profluence, and plot.

The Write Latch Fiction Workshop Series offers new, developing, and experienced fiction writers ways to make practical tools from elements of craft.

This will benefit you if:

  • The elements of fiction are new to you, and you think writing might be fun.
  • You enjoy writing and want to know more about getting a story finished.
  • You’re after the tools to describe the story in your mind.
  • You hope to be more effective when editing, revising, or re-writing.
  • You want to meet other rural writers.

You’ll Learn How to:

  • Understand fiction from a uniquely rural perspective, leveraging agriculture within creative writing.
  • Explore elements of rural fiction as a skillset through experimentation and habit creation.
  • Move concretely and creatively through the writing process from brainstorming to editing.
Behind the scenes

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